Friday, November 23, 2007

Through Hell and back...

I hate shopping.

I loathe shopping.

Especially around this time of year. But for some reason, the the thought of a Christmas gift for one of the parental units was enough for my siblings and myself to bestow upon me the cup of completing the task of gift acquisition.

As I stood in line for much longer than I cared and was annoyed by cell phones, the two high schoolers who were buying a 360, (they were so lazy one procured a shopping cart to set it in, and promptly abandoned it after checkout in the Electronics section, only to leave me and the cashier shaking our heads at them) and everyone else, I noticed several things.

A) I still hate shopping, especially around people.
B) I'm stupid for going out in the crowds.
C) I saw many people from church, and guess how many were male... that's right, zero.

Oh well, at least I did not wake up early for it. And now, with such a feeling of accomplishment, I don't feel like I need to do one more productive thing today.

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