Monday, July 23, 2007

A post that is way overdue.

This is something that I should've posted a long time ago. I want to give a quick thanks to a warrior for the kingdom. I met this guy six or seven years ago, but that isn't that important. Frankly, it took me a while to appreciate this guy in the beginning, I was immature and didn't handle things well in several situations.

But here is where the story gets better. I was in over my head at 3DYC one year. I was in charge of a youth group and it was rough. I had to deal with some rough kids, and I had no idea what to do. I needed prayer. God had to humble me and told me that I needed to apologize to this guy and asked him to pray for me. I think through that God restored something in me.

I had the opportunity to go to Semp three summers ago. (Nygo this year, merge last year, then Semp) I had a great time with him. I was impressed with his wisdom, his leadership and his insights into ministry. I also loved the time when we crushed a couple of students in euchre

The last two summers, I have been given the opportunity to participate in Jr high summer camp at NMC. I loved the chances to see him in action, in his element.

Its been said by Derry Prenkert that this guy is one of, if not THE reason that Senior High Student Ministries is where it is today. I would agree wholeheartedly.

Thank You for putting up with me way back when.
Thank You for your countless hours of planning and spending time with the students.
Thank You for for your love of God, and through that God's love moves through you.
Thank You for your example of a Christ Follower.
Thank you Jason Thompson.

1 comment:

Jason Thompson said...

OK, how much do I owe you for such kind words? In all seriousness the feeling is mutual. There's few people in our ministy that I value more than you! I appreciate your heart. It's been rewarding to be able to grow in ministry together. I think we're starting to get old though. :)