Monday, September 10, 2007

Going to church

Going to church is a hard thing to do when you work there all week. I have to be honest, I'm a poor attendee of NMC. There are two reasons for this:
A. Its my own fault. I wake up late, miss my alarm clock, and so forth.
B. Its because of work. Its hard to catch a complete service while wearing the pager. There are also more and more instances of people calling me or asking me to take care of something, because the secret is getting out that I work at the church.

In the last month, I've had the opportunity to go to The Connection twice. That makes the Grande total of Connection services I've been to three times (not including the two times I ran Media Shout).

Lately, my boss and i have been trying to get a good schedule so all of us facility people that work on Sundays can have a shot at an uninterrupted service.

In the past three weeks, my hours at the church have been getting little loopy. When can you do when your help decides to go to college? Bit it in a sense has been a blessing as a result. As I have to do more of the grunt work again, I have found myself attending church in Georgia, and California.

Podcasting is a gift from the Almighty. In recent days I've been confronted, convicted, challenged, and encouraged in my life. Now I know its not a replacement for attending a service at NMC, but it has been helping me put church into work during the week, w when at times on Sundays the work takes away from church.

If you are a little sluggish on knowing what podcasts are out there, check out my favorite four...
North Point Community Church - Andy Stanley
Mars Hill Bible Church - Rob Bell
Mosaic - Erwin McManus
Cornerstone Church - Francis Chan


Anonymous said...

If you're not going to go to church, perhaps you should borrow my day pass. Just a thought. I'll eventually need it back though. ;)

That being said, I love Francis Chan... and I really hope you get a chance to sit through an entire service sometime soon.

Anonymous said...

The Holy Spirit - Part 3..................................................................................................Wow.

Part 4 came out today (at least for me). I can't wait to listen...Also, I might be going to Mars Hill this weekend.

God bless you bro,