Monday, November 03, 2008

My two cents on the election

Its time for me to Jump into the circus that is pOlitics and the Presidential elections.

I Hate the way ChristiaNs get all obsessed and crazy over elections. Granted the Founding Fathers May have been predominantly Christian, but the nation they helped start was to be free from tyranny and being told how to worship, how to live, etC.

As a follower of Christ I don't agree with the faCt that people like to have the choice to abort their bAbies, or particIpate in same-sex civil uNions or marriages. However, who am I to tell people how to live their lives?

Here is my anSwer... I am not to tell people- yet I am. God hAs called his people to be a kingdom of pRiests and a holy nAtion (Ex. 19: 6). By living out my relationsHip with Christ, that is how I am to tell peoPle about Christ. Yelling at people that abortion and homosexuAlity is a sin doesn't get peopLe to change theIr ways aNd fall in love with Christ.

With that being said, I think people should have hopefully done research on who they think is going to do the better job. I think it is ok to chose someone based on their position on the issues, but for crying out loud, don't try to force your views on people who don't agree with you.

Also, Rom. 13: 1

I am Jeffrey Simpson, and I approved this message.


Dan Weiss said...

Is there some sort of cryptic message being related with all the random capital letters? I can't crack the code, but I keep hearing the phrase, "Obama, yo' mama" in my head.

Jeffrey Simpson said...

Yes, There was.