Wednesday, July 01, 2009

PhillyGo through the eyes of a adult-type person.

Its about time I posted, so here we go...

PhillyGo was the sixth consecutive (mission/evangelism)trip that I have been on with NMC Senior High. We stayed at a Presbyterian church in the Kensington area, which is on the NorthEast side of Philly. There were 21 students and 6 leaders on this trip.

This like every trip I've been on, this trip was unique. We had many opportunities to serve the community, whether it was the various Salvation Army locations, serving at a ministry to the homeless, or playing and building relationships with the children of the neighborhood. We also had many opportunities to share our faith in these areas, as well as out right starting conversations to share the Truth.

From before the trip started, there was an evident theme of breaking out of comfort zones and being obedient to whatever God called us to do. It was awesome to witness this is action. I saw the quiet students become more vocal and confident. I saw encouragement gone rampant(granted it was pushed on them at first, but they took it and made it their own). I saw students become bold in their faith. I saw Christ move in their hearts. I saw lives messed up and wrecked because of and for Jesus Christ.

And it hasn't stopped so far. I look back at the other trips I've been on, and I can truly say there is something different about this trip, about these students. It may be too early to truly say, but maybe not. I see a change that can only have happened from those who have truly met with and surrendered to Jesus Christ. This not to say that the other trips weren't powerful, or lives weren't changed, I'm just saying that this trip seems different.

I'm excited.

I'm excited to see what is going to tke place at Summer Camp.

I'm excited to see what is going to take place once school starts.

I'm excited to see what God has in store for the Barbarians from Philadelphia. I pray that I will be one of them as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm excited, too. Great serving with you in Philly. I agree with you that this was a special trip/group of students. Leaders weren't too bad either :) lol, Leslie