Friday, June 15, 2007

Saved by the Bell

So lately I've been on a Rob Bell kick. Since buying the number NOOMA 014, I, along with one of my esteemed housemates have been plowing through the previous installments.

I recently bought an Ipod. It took me a while to rip all of my cd's and then put them on there, but I think I'm done. This is exciting because I'm now delving into the world of pod casting. This has been something I've wanted to do for some time. I'm probably behind the time, but I just listen to Rob Bell's message on Matthew 28 from April. For some reason, maybe because of where I am in this whole being a Christian... this message resonated with me. I think its awesome how God's timing is , even when it is simply hearing a message from some guy from some church called Mars Hill.

1 comment:

derryprenkert said...

Next podcast...
Simply Youth Ministry. Start at episode 00.
Try it, you'll like it!