Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Facing your fears

What do you fear? When faced with that fear, how do you respond to it? Do you try to avoid all possible confrontation with that fear? What if the very place that you are intended to be is on the other side of that confrontation, but the only course of action is to face your fear?
Many a year back, I felt a strong calling into ministry, specifically working with youth. I knew that a ginormous obstacle in my way was going to be college, more specifically writing papers. I confronted my fears, for a while. But I could not see to the other side to the end result. It got to the point where I gave up school and the hope of God's calling. I mean, I can do ministry without a piece of paper, right?
I still firmly believe that. But this summer, I was reminded of something foundational to the building of my character. It was time to face my fear, and conquer it. Now I feel like I've been wandering in the desert for far too long. Is it still in God's plan for me to enter Youth Ministry in a paid position? Maybe in another area of the church. I really don't know. But I know that this fight is for me to complete.
Is this fight easy, not at all. I lack a lot of discipline when comes to focusing on my studies. Sometimes it is really just bout the process. To quote that great modern philosopher, Ain't about how fast I get there, Ain't about what's waiting on the other side, Its the climb.
Maybe God has great things in store for me as a result of getting a piece of paper with a degree on it. Maybe I will never "use" it and work in the "real world". That is ok by me. I just want to obedient to God's call in my life where ever he takes me. And for now its fighting through this thing that others have achieved so gracefully, but is so hard for me.
And now I leave you with this... here is a little clip about a guy who's trying to save the girl, but to do so he must face two of the worst things in the world combined. A zombie clown.
(Disclaimer. Yes this from a rated R movie. If you are offended by that, don't click on the play button.)

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