Friday, September 08, 2006

Thursday, bloody Thursday

Am I the only one who can't stand Thursdays? Ok... So Thursday it itself is not a bad thing. It just so happens that for me, Thursday is the day of the week that would be classified by Daniel Powter as a "Bad Day." If I were to expect anything bad to happen to me, the occasion in which the events would transpire, would most likely happen on a Thursday.
"Jeff...Why is this so?" You might ask. After much contemplation, I have compiled a possible explanation for this freakish occurrence.
1. Thursday follows Wednesday. Wed. in itself is a long day because of Wed. Night Church. There is something about Wed. Night Youth Group, no matter having a big role or small part will do funny things to you. Most people I know will be wound up for a considerable amount of time after a Wed. Night. In this wound up state, it is futile to attempt to go to sleep, because you will inevitably fail. Your body may be tired, but the mind will keep on going.
Once you finally go to sleep, it is undoubtedly several hours after you should have went to bed. When the alarm rips into your finally peaceful rest, four hours too soon, you struggle to get up and start the daily grind all over again.
In this bedraggled state of being, one is overtly susceptible to people who are way too happy in the morning, not to mention being vulnerable to the attacks of the Enemy.
2. In my own life sometimes my own mistakes come to fruition on this day. I think because of what I explained in #1 is the perfect time for the Enemy to throw it in my face for maximum damage.
In closing, Its not that I want to complain about having bad days. I want to know how I can respond, not react to them, and and how to avoid them in the first place. That my friend, I'm still working on.

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