Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Announcement.

So, here we go. There is no easy way to put this, so in the words of Relient K, why don't I come right and and say it. I've decided to move out of state. This is something that I have been thinking bout for a while, since after summer camp to be exact, and I've concluded that its time to do it. I'm tired of my life here, and its time to move.

I feel like over the past several years, its been situation normal for my life. I work at the church, volunteer at the church, and live by the church. Life is too easy for me. I think I'm finally growing weary of it. There is no risk in my life, it is safe.

I don't want safe anymore. What do I want? I want to see Jesus Christ radically move in my life. I want to see Jesus Christ radically move in the lives of those around me.

Why hasn't this move taken place before? Well it has, but I always return to the beginning. As Paul says in Romans 12:1, we are to "offer our bodies as living sacrifices to God"... The problem with living sacrifices is that they have a tendency to get up off the altar.

Along with that is that Jeff tries to do things on his own power and tries to mask it with a little bit of God thrown in. Basically in this scenario I am a man with high tendencies to be adulterous, lustful, jealous, depressed, prideful, and not content in my current state of singleness.

Now I must admit, I believe I am allowing God more freedom to move in my life, but that is still the problem. I haven't allowed God freedom to be my everything in my life.

How about Abraham? When Yahweh asked him for the life of Isaac, did Abraham just respond without thought? Granted, according to Genesis, God asked him, and the next day he started up the mountain, but I have to wonder, did Abe get any sleep that night? I find it a little more plausible to think that he wrestled the entire night long, analyzing every little aspect and weighing every possible outcome of this sacrifice. When it came down to it though, Abraham put his faith and trust in his God.

So, here we are. I think it is finally time to move up the mountain, to lay my "son" on the altar. Its time to give up my desires, my wants, my wishes. I want to be used by God, and I want the Holy Spirit to move in me and through me. Whats to keep me from allowing this to happen? Me. But I think that Christ has bigger plans for my life, if I actually trust him and put my faith in him and not myself.


Janelle Prenkert said...

Bummer, we'll miss you. But am really excited for you

Greg said...

Jeff I'm sorry you are going but I think it will be good for you, wherever you go I know those people will be blessed to have you. Good luck man!

Anonymous said...

sadness. but i understand where you are coming from. so... do you know where you are going?

Chunk said...

I will miss you! Before you go, we must do lunch or dinner sometime. ok?

G.N. said...

BOOYA! Follow, man, follow. Go. Just go. Follow. He's going to rock you. You're going to love it. So just go. Don't look back. Go.

Tim Berkey said...

I am happy for you dude.
But I am going to miss you.

Georgew4man said...

Dude that's so awesome... Very proud of you... This is a great challenge for everyone... Would love to here where you are going to end up and be able to pray for you and encourage you. georgew4@mchsi.com Keep in touch.
George W. :-)