Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Apparently my attempts to be creative in my posting has people confused. The move I was talking about is in the thought process... not so much a move to another physical location. Let's now turn in our Bibles to Romans 12:1&2...

1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.

I mention this verse in last week's post, but now I want to look at verse 2 as well.

2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

That is the kind of move I'm talking about. I feel like in my life, and all around me people unknowingly or purposefully get stuck in a mindset that isn't transformed. I mean its not I'm living a horrible life, I lead a good life. But I'm tired of being okay with good. I want what is best for me. And the only way I feel like I can do that is to move in my state of mind. I can't want what is best for me... the only thing I should want is too seek after God with all my heart, my soul, and my mind.

So does that make sense? If so, anybody with me?


Georgew4man said...

Hey yo bra, I'm witch ya!! All the way... Let's go fishing and talk about this some more... I like the whole thing about being 'Obsessed' with Jesus I heard at the Leadership Summit at Grainger... Wow... If I had the intentions of a person that was obsessed and use that kind of energy and obsession towards me wanting more and more of Jesus, I think people would notice and wonder what happened to me... You like that?? Well, it's not mine, but I'm getting the book by Frances Chan and this will be a great motivational tool to meditate on daily... I'm witchya baby!! gw :-)

Georgew4man said...

Let's clarify clarifAcation... It's clarification... Just want to clarify that... We need much clarity here... haha... Love you man... Gw :-) just kidding... you can speel ineething inee weigh u wunt tu... hee hee... ;-)

Tim Berkey said...

oh you fooled me
good to have you back.

Chunk said...

hmm... maybe a way to move out of the "safe" environment would be to get an apartment with me... because i'm really searching for a roommate and things aren't looking good.