Monday, September 01, 2008

The joys of online gaming

I enjoy playing Halo 3. I also enjoy playing Halo 3 online. Its pretty amazing how you can play with people from other parts of the world. I've played with people from the U.K. and from Ireland, and Canada. I've played with people who spoke French and Spanish(I don't exactly where they're from, considering I don't comprende).

Its amazing who you run across in online play. I've played with people who are stoned or drunk(and claim they play better in that state). I've played with people who are vulgar, disrespectful, and downright annoying. I've played with females who are pretty good. I've played with kids who are Jr Highers or younger and can crush anyone. I've played with people who trash talk nonstop(its fun to politely put them in their place).

This weekend I encountered something kinda cool I met this guy who plays with his daughter on the weekends. I just thought that it was kinda cool to see a father and daughter hanging out together in a not so usual way.

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